NURSES OF THE 407 (1982) 77 Minutes.
d – Tony Kendrick. Cast: Jesie St. James, Paul Thomas, Jon Martin, Kathleen Kristel,
Lynx Canon, Mantra Stark, Tigr, Laura Wren, Herschel Savage, Joey Silvera and Rock

The near impossible is handled about as well as could be expected — a sex film takeoff
of the classic TV series MAS*H. Although far from a classic, this sexy spoof is bound to
make you grin or chuckle or even roar, depending on your type and sense of humor. It’s
clever, yet contains enough erotic moments to keep buffs satisfied, although in all honesty,
women will probably appreciate it more — IF, and it is a big if, they have as little use for
Hot Hips (the Hot Lips character) as the TV producers orginally intended. Jesie is superb
in that role and Joey steals the show with the Radar character. He is funnier as Specs than
Gary was as Radar. RT. and Jon play the Hawkeye and B.J. characters and Rock Steadie
(from CANDY STRIPERS) has one line at the end as the Colonel. Recommended for
comedy fans and the tragically hip.