p – Wesley Emerson, d- Jeffrey Fairbanks. Cast: Sharon Kane, John Leslie, George
Spelvin (Anthony Spinelli), Kitty Shayne, Lysa Thatcher, Jon Martin, Lynn Lucas, Kelly
Stuart, John Seeman, Susan Nero, Blair Harris, David Morris and Jody Miller.

My choice as the first film for couples to view together Jeff cut his teeth with Caribbean
films, working with Bob Chinn and Gail Palmer on such films as HOT LEGS, FAN
TASYWORLD and PRISONER OF PARADISE. For his first major solo effort, EXPOSED,
he not only employed what he had learned, but took it one step further and went right
through the erotic ceiling by turning out a masterpiece.

EXPOSED deals with an interesting concept. Former porno star Willie Gordon (John
Leslie) has been out of the business and married for a year to Anne (Sharon Kane) and
3he knows nothing of his past. He is pressured by his former producer to make one more
film as a big favor, which he resists. At the same time, his next door neighbor, Mrs. Murphy
(Kitty Shayne), has recognized him and sexually blackmails him. His arm is twisted enough
to lure him back to the set, where he agrees to work for one week. The filming leaves him
spent and his wife wondering what is wrong and how much of it is her fault. She is told the
truth by a bitter Mrs. Murphy and sees the proof at a local theater.

This is a rare example of a film where a loving couple is more in love than ever at the
end of the picture. The extracurricular sex is brought by pressure, not by a desire to cheat.
John and Sharon really act like a married couple in subtle little scenes like making tuna
fish for lunch. Their sex together is erotic and they make love like real people. John’s scene
with Kitty is downright hot in contrast and will appeal to raunch fans.

This is the best ‘making of a porno movie’ movie you’re ever likely to see. On the set of
‘Cheerleaders In Bondage,” Jon Martin plays the director and filmmaker Anthony Spinelli,
n role reversal, acts the part of Max Green the stereotypical producer. But the interesting
thing about this film is the way it pokes fun at the adult industry. Examples include John
Seeman as a temperamental star, Lysa Thatcher auditioning for a part and trying to ‘act’ and
he pioneering ending. Never mind that it is totally improbable that Sharon could find the
location of the shooting and get cast in one day. But when she shows up as the new leading
lady, Willie is asked to do his best scene ever What happens is that she makes love to her
husband. There is natural internal ejaculation that should prove the wave of the future. The
ne ‘Where’s the cum shot?’ found in DePalma’s BODY DOUBLE came first in EXPOSED.
V perfect film for couples and more than enough sexual substance for the grinder crowd.
Most rain coaters won’t even realize that they are being subtlety satirized.