w/p – Kenneth Schwartz, d – Warren Evans. Cast: Jamie Gillis, Samantha Fox, Vanessa
Del Rio, Eric Edwards, Gordon Duvall, Roger Caine, Denise and Diana Sloan, Marlene
Willoughby, Ron Jeremy, Bobby Astyr, Christine deShaffer, Mark Dexter, Dave, Ruby,
Ron Budd, Herschel Savage and Randy West.

Schwartz and Evans (FIONA ON FIRE) combine again for an elaborately mounted
film that alternates from drama to comedy and spans four centuries in time. Jamie Gillis is
the finest screen Dracula bar none (with the true dimension of the vampire’s sexuality) as
he searches through time for lost love Samantha. As a horror film buff, I’ve seen them from
Lugosi to Lee to Langella and beyond, and Jamie comes the closest to making Bram Stoker
proud of his 1897 story No one can ever top Dwight Frye as Renfield, however, in the 1931

Prince of Darkness Jamie plays Leopold Michael Georgi Count Dracula in love with Surka
in 1590. She is driven to suicide by his attention so he takes an eternal oath to find her.
The tale moves to modern times with Sally (also Samantha) a dead ringer for Surka. A silly
US/USSR espionage plot is thrown in to allow Vanessa to strut her stuff sexually and to
provide Edwards with the hilarious role of Big Bird, Chief of Intelligence.

One of the monumental moments of porn is the Bobby Astyr/Samantha Fox lollipop and
‘kiss the snake’ scene. It is funny as all hell clear through to the snuff the Albanian conclusion.
Universal appeal abounds for men and women with Vanessa for raunch, Bobby for comedy
Jamie as the quintessential Count and Samantha as the object of Jamie’s sweeping narrative
search for true love. A delightfully entertaining sex flick.