w/d – Gerard Damiano. Cast: Linda Lovelace, Harry Reems, Dolly Sharp, Carol Con
nors, William Love, Bill Harrison, Bob Phillips, Ted Street, John Byron, lUlichael Powers
and Gerard Damiano.

DEEP THROAT can no longer simply be discussed as a film. It has transcended that
stage. Damiano’s classic, shot in Florida and almost titled “The Doctor Mal<es A House
Call,” must be placed In a separate category altogether. It’s not a film — it is a media event,
it is the ohginal “Porno Chic.” It is the film that really broke the ice, the film that has had
more impact, influence and visabllity than any other adult film. Based upon the most conser
vative box-office totals, DEEP THROAT ranks in the all time top ten grossers in American
film history We’re not talking adult, we’re talking right up there with STAR WARS, ROCKY,
Hollywood for over eight consecutive years at the same theater. (Answer to trivia question
— EXHAUSTED finally replaced it.) If people knew how much money DEEP THROAT
actually made or how many millionaires it made, they would faint.

Damiano has admitted that the film was a cute joke. The plot centers on Linda Lovelace,
a girl with her clitoris located in her throat, and the doctor (Harry Reems) who helps her
achieve orgasm. People love to make snide remarks about how awful the film really is. Rest
assured, despite the solid niche it has attained In film history, judged stricly on its historical
merits, it’s still not all that bad. But it does open an interesting can of worms. Mainstream
critics raved. I’ve talked to psychologists about my theory. The film is not that great, so what
the critics cheered was explicit sex far superior to the loops, documentaries or grinders that
they may have sneaky seen on the side. They went ga-ga over routine filmmaking and
opened the door for public acceptability. If it was all a cruel hoax conspiracy by the press,
it backfired in their faces.

In addition to Linda’s extraordinary abilities, Harry Reems is delightfully zany as Dr. Young.
Also, Dolly Sharp (one of the great loop stars of the sixties) shows her total sexual versatility
and dexterity, and a very young Carol Connors plays Harry’s willing nurse. Camp lines like
Dolly’s “Mind if I smoke while you eat?” and Damiano’s faggy “What’s a nice joint like you
doing in a girl like that?” have become infamous. The music (with tributes to Mickey Mouse
and Coca-Cola) is familiar to adult film fans. Bells finally ring for Linda, and despite some
curious future denials on her willingness to appear in the film, she became an instant
superstar and nationwide celebrity Her denials are so contradictory now that no one cares.
The best known and best selling adult film is a collector’s must.