DEBBIE DOES DALLAS (1978) 80 Minutes.
p/d – Jim Clark. Cast: Bambi Woods, R. Bolia, Christie Ford, Robin Byrd, Eric Edwards,
Arcadia Lake, Merle Michaels, Rikki O’Neal, Georgette Sanders, Jenny Cole, David
Sutton, Herschel Savage, Jake Teague, Debbie Lewis, Kasey Rodgers, David Morris,
Tony Mansfield, Peter Lerman and Ben Pierce.

I recently saw a review referring to DEBBIE as a great film. That is pure nonsense.
While it could be easy to critically pick on DEBBIE DOES DALLAS as a lousy film, it is not
that bad either — merely routine fluff. But if you believe that a film can become more critically
acceptable with huge commercial success, then you tend to agree with the theory that no
matter what, the American public is just not wrong, and DEBBIE has been the single best
selling video tape over the past several years and ranks among the top 5 all-time sellers.
It is a commercial blockbuster, if somewhat lacking critically

The subliminal influence of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders is present in full force,
since Debbie never even goes near Dallas. Instead, she and her fhends try to raise money
for tryouts as “Texas Cowgirl” Cheerleaders. The young girls soon realize that effective use
of their nubile bodies can reap financial rewards.

Basically the film is a solid adult formula effort, with young girls engaging in all the
standard scenes — group, lesbian, oral, anal and straight. Bambi’s only sex scene, other
than some quick looks at her very attractive body is with Bolla at the end of the film. In
this regard, the film more than succeeds, by saving the best for last and building effectively
to that climax. The majority of the other cheerleaders are attractive and enthusiastic in their
scenes as well.

The original credits are misleading — cheerleaders include Georgette and Arcadia in the
record store, Rikki and Jenny washing the car, Merle in the library and Christie at the candle
shop with Robin and Eric. Herschel Savage (a candidate for worst football center ever) is
billed twice under his Bill Berry and Paul Hues pseudonyms.