A TASTE OF MONEY (1983) 95 Minutes cut to 87 Minutes.
p – Mike Paulson, w/d – Richard Mailer. Cast: Constance Money, Jamie Gillis, John
Leslie, Paul Thomas, Sharon Mitchell, Gina Gianetti, Mike Horner, Laurie Smith, Blair
Harris, Herschel Savage, Bambi Snyder, Mariko Kemo, Angel Nicolet and Judy Aber
I will be the first to admit A TASTE OF MONEY has flaws, but its inclusion in the
significant category can easily be justified. Constance Money established herself as a major
star in the mid-seventies with MISTY BEETHOVEN, MARY MARY and ANNA OBSESSED.
Outtake footage was used in BARBARA BROADCAST and MARASCHINO CHERRY Before
LETTING GO. Playboy did profiles on her in “Girls of Porn” and an elaborate picture spread
of Susan Jensen in Alaska. In Blake Edwards’ “10”, Susan’s face stopped most viewers in
their tracks. She became “the other girl,” the one people thought was foxier than Bo.
So, would she make another film? The right arrangements were made and the legend
was rediscovered. Paul Thomas plays Mr. Flowers, a guy obsessed with bringing her back.
Gillis and Leslie play themselves and each has a key moment. Jamie with his Constance
Money Memorial Shrine and John with his award winning cooking scene with blonde hammer
Gina Gianetti. The film does have great production values and fans of Constance Money
can overlook the flaws — she is not one of them. The film was made by one of the coolest
hipsters in porn — the consummate California guy Richard Mailer. He is not to be confused
with Richard Mahler, but he was known in the ’70s as Mr. Mustard and Grey Poupon. He
has made films dating back to HERE’S LEAD IN YOUR PENCIL. He now makes the ANGEL
videos. I call him Remington Miles, taken from a character John Leslie played in 1978’s
TREASURE BOX that was based on Dick. White shoes, jeans, the beach, Mercedes conver
tible — all the trappings people in Iowa dream about — that is Remington.
Plans for a sequel to A TASTE OF MONEY called A TOUCH OF MONEY have been on
the shelf for three years. Meanwhile, Susan has happily disappeared from the public eye.
Constance Money does rank with Marilyn Chambers for most erotic, pouting twisting mouth.