Directed by Jay Paul; starring Jerry Butler, Colleen Brennan, Buck Adams, Cassandra Leigh, Jamie Summers, Greg Derek, Sheena Home, Tasha Voux, Adia, Jamie Gillis, Ashley Moore and Will Jarvis. Videocassette by VCA Pictures.

Here’s a sequel that’s actually better than the original. A sort of X-rated Karate Kid, Raw Talent II re-pits ever-hopeful actor Eddie (Jerry Butler) against super-evil producer Carolyn (Colleen Brennan taking over from Lisa DeLeeuw) and her equally cartoony bad-guy sidekick (Buck Adams) in an orgy of physical violence and sex. Though it gets off to a shaky start, when the story finally kicks in, the sailing is fairly smooth. Unlike the original, this time around the martial-arts sequences make some sense: The movie that Brennan has hired Butler for is a karate fuck film. It sounds silly-it is silly-but that’s one of the points of Raw Its satire. Plotwise, for crossing them in a union matter, Brennan and Adams swear vengeance on Butler. They proceed to wreck his relationship with girlfriend Nancy (Cassandra Leigh), and first fuck, then use his sister (Jamie Summers) in the same sex film he’s starring in. Naturally, the climax is a grudge match between karate kids Butler and Adams. Good triumphs. Notable sex scenes include Brennan taking on three studs, Adams and Brennan “auditioning” Summers, Adams balling Leigh, and the Butler/Leigh/Greg Derek three-way. Though the sound is often awful and the script has some problems, the art direction is good, the cast is attractive and the video quality is excellent. Far from being raw, this Talent is very well done.