Directed by Jim Enright; starring Jacqueline, Erica Boyer, Staci Lords, Mike Horner, Cheri Taylor, Randy Spears, Brad Armstrong, Eric Price and Randy West. Videocassette: Zane Entertainment.

Anyone with a free hand and a swollen gland will roll a 300 game with this second installment of Zane’s Bimbo series. Director Enright has moved the setting from Buffalo, but a change of scenery doesn’t keep these Bimbos from rolling up a devastating sperm count. Erica Boyer, Jacqueline and Staci Lords are quim queens in search of a crown, backed by their janitor-turned-manager, Freddy Flounder (Horner). Jacqueline gets a blistering bang from Horner over a ball-return chute, while her teammates Erica and Staci share each other’s snatch in the locker room. Peter North later lays lingam into Lords, with his trademark torrent of testicular cream saturating her neck. When the bowling (yes, bowling) does start, the Bimbos sap the cocksmen of their strength via a tremendous triple-header. Cheri Taylor helps round things out with two dynamite pussy pumps: one from Horner, the other from Randy Spears. Trying to find fault with this outing of the BBs is like getting a lane on League Night. It’s damn near impossible.