p – R. L. Mills, d – David Gerber. Cast: Debra Allen, Susan David, George Allen, Eric
Humphrey and George S. McDonald.

MONA is the first classic of explicit adult cinema, even though DEEP THROAT is all
most people seem to remember Before THROAT, there were a handful of superior sex films
that remain unknown and seemingly unwanted In the video age. SCHOOL GIRL is one of
those lost in history epics that packs a slice of erotic realism far superior to the technologically
brilliant, but emotionally limited features currently being produced. Credited director Reberg
is an anagram for Gerber.

If realistic sexual couplings are what you are after, why not explore some ancient history?
Debra is a student told to “go out and do research on some kind of subculture.” Her professor
adheres to the ‘do it — don’t read or copy it’ method. Her choice is the sexual subculture
and through the Berkeley Barb, she finds the appropriate subjects. The father in the father-son
3 way is the same guy in the classic loop SCHOOL DAZE. And although the production
seems archaic, the San Francisco sexual enthusiasts are charged with honest moans and
erotic energy missing in most of the thousands of films and almost all the videos made
since 1971. Debra’s report includes a great ‘lonely people’ comment and the 1974 book,
SINEMA, missed the point of the end statement altogether.