Angel Hart could easily pass as a sun-drenched California girl, with her statuesque bod and golden hair. But she’s an Iowa implant, a former small town girl who saw stars in her eyes when touring porn actresses would feature at the joint where she stripped. She quickly outgrew the little town’s small minds and jumped on the gravy train heading west. She made a beeline from magazine layouts to feature dancing to a Penthouse centerfold and is now the bright shining star in John T. Bone’s Amazing Pictures arsenal. Angel loves sex. And she has become a real natural taking some of the industry’s largest cocks every which way.

Erotic X-Film Guide caught up with Angel at the Bone manor during her most recent visit to the West Coast. At the time of this interview, she hadn’t quite made the full move to Los Angeles. Bone was still flying her in from Davenport whenever he needed an angelic blessing in his flicks.

If you haven’t yet seen Angel in action, you’re missing a beautiful goddess get penetrated in all sorts of nasty ways. Check out: Ecstasy in Germany, Kiss Ass, Piece of Ass, Distortion, I Cant Believe I Took it up the Ass and Angel Sucks.

EFG: You recently did an advertisement for Gl. How was that?
ANGEL: Well, I did some pictures with Jasmin St. Clair in a spaceship and then I did a snowboarding ad bv myself that was with lots of cute stuff — their little hats and the big baggy pants. They had me pull the pants down. I had on just a g-string. With my butt turned around and the pants hanging off, just the top of the t-back showed. We did some with my top off, too. There’s another magazine they advertise in that lets them do some “R” stuff. It was really cool.

EFG: What magazines?
ANGEL: I am so unfamiliar with that snowboarding lifestyle, I had never heard of the magazine. But I might take up snowboarding, because I look real cute in the clothes.

Bone: And she can have some Olympic snowboarders teach her.
EFG: So you made some friends?
ANGEL: Yes I did. Lots of them. Cute younger guys, too.

EFG: What was your day like on the shoot?
ANGEL: Well, they had the fake snow and stuff. The guys were really fun. They were really intrigued with me, needless to say.

They were actually very cute. I did a topless, and I got snow all over my bosom. One guy came up with a hat and brushed it off, and my nipples got really hard. I go, “Oh my god, look, you made my nipples hard.” He didn’t know what to do, he was so dumbfounded.

That’s why I think I should take up snowboarding. They’re like, “Oh my god, you look really hot dressed like that. You need to come out, we’ll teach you how to snowboard.” They were a bunch of cute younger guys for me and Jasmin to do very bad things to.

EFG: Tell me about the first video you ever did.
ANGEL: The first video I ever did was with Rick Masters and Dave Hardman. Dave Hardman followed me around everywhere and kept doing me after the camera stopped, and kissing me and messing with my hair. I got very upset because I didn’t want him touching me after the camera stopped. So I finally told John, “Listen, this guy won’t leave me alone.” So John told Dave he was now fined every time he touched me when the cameras weren’t rolling.

Bone: And he went home with no money that day.

ANGEL: It was interesting. I had never done anal before, ever. The first thing I did was a DP. It was, I don’t know, it was interesting. Distortion was it. It was just really shocking to me, I mean, I was nervous, and it was hard a little bit. I enjoyed it, but I was so tense. I think I was even more tense because that day was the first time I had ever had an AIDS test. That was when I realized, “Oh my god, this moment right here could change my life, forever.” I think I stressed so hard at the AIDS test that the sex afterwards wasn’t as big of a deal as it had started out to be. I didn’t even realize it until I walked into the clinic. All of a sudden, I thought “Oh my god, I was with this guy and he was this girl and she was with everybody.” I started going back with everybody I had ever known, everyone they had ever known. I kept myself convinced. I was hysterical. They had to take me out of the office and calm me down. I had a total anxiety attack by the time the results came back — in twenty minutes. But it was twenty minutes of agony. I had totally convinced myself I was finished.

So after that, the scene really wasn’t that much. It stressed me out so bad that I didn’t even worry about the anal.

EFG: How has the shock changed you?
ANGEL: I really enjoy it. I recently did a movie with Peter North, Mark Davis and Tom Byron. I think that the quality of guys that I’m working with has gotten better. I like working with them. They’re very professional. They’re good at what they do. I even look forward to it.

EFG: How often are you filming?
ANGEL: Now I’m doing about one a month. We just did a four-scene movie. Deep In Angel’s Ass. I did all four scenes. That’s the one with Peter North, Mark Davis, Tommy Byron, Dave Hardman and Colt Steele. Next month we’re doing a five-scene movie that’s all me.

EFG: Which guys have you liked working with most?
ANGEL: I love Peter North. I am incredibly attracted to him. I don’t know why. I liked working with Colt Steele, and Mark Davis. Mark Davis fucked me pretty good. But Mark Davis, as far as working with, was very good. Tom Byron was very easy to work with too.

EFG: Tell me about Peter North.
ANGEL: I’m in lust with him. I don’t know why. Something about him. I’m incredibly attracted to him. Maybe because when I was a younger I can remember seeing him in videos. So, it’s like, “Oh, Peter North.”

EFG: What do you look for in a guy?
ANGEL: I like a good looking man, an intelligent man. I can’t deal with an idiot. I like a strong man. Power turns me on. I would take the most powerful man in the world over the richest man in the world.

EFG: How did you get from Iowa to the porn world?
ANGEL: When I was 19, I met a guy who was very controlling. I ended up cheating on him with the owner of a local strip club. When I broke up with him, I started working at the competition in town. Southern Comfort, just to get back at him. He didn’t care for that. It’s an all-nude club, kind of a nasty club. But not nasty in a bad way. Nasty in a good way. Girls are on their backs, on stage, legs up in the air, full contact table dances, bumping and grinding. There’s a lot of money in there. Probably one of the best strip clubs I’ve ever been in, in terms of making money.

EFG: Tell me a story from then.
ANGEL: When I first started dancing, nobody in town knew what I was doing. I think I kept it a secret for all of 3 weeks. All of a sudden I was on stage and my real name was blurted out. I turned around and there were all these guys I knew from school. I started crying. I was so freaked out I didn’t know what to do. I jumped off the stage and ran upstairs. My boss was like “you have to go back down there.”

EFG: So you started out stripping.
ANGEL: Cheri magazine came into the club in Davenport one day. I ended up doing a little shoot for Cheri, then I did a little thing for Bust Out magazine. The photographer from Cheri asked if I had ever thought of featuring. So we called Continental, which is a dance agency. But they were awful, horrid and they sucked. They sent me out for very little money and I had to pay my own expenses. Then I got hooked up with Charlie Pride in Fort Lauderdale and all of a sudden he was getting me good money and telling me where to get my costumes made. All the little things that you don’t know when you start, they
were telling me. How do I do my shows, what should I do with my shows. All of a sudden I started making good money and liking it.

I have always been fascinated by the adult industry. I always wanted to be a centerfold. As a matter of fact, I recently shot a centerfold with Penthouse. And I did a video. The Making of a Centerfold. The centerfold was shot on a horse ranch in Miami, on a $2 million Colombian horse named Classico. That was a neat thing. I also did a shoot in this big multi-million dollar home in the West Palm area. It was on the water.

Then I did a girl-girl layout for Penthouse with a girl by the name of Brook Lane. That was really awesome. We filmed a video with that, too. We did it in latex camouflage pants and bra tops. For the video I actually got to learn to drive one of the swamp boats, the air boats with the big fans. I got to drive through the everglades. They had helicopters filming it. It was quite a production.

I always wanted to be a centerfold, that’s what got me onto the Penthouse thing. The whole idea of women being total sex objects I always thought was really cool. Which I guess is really wrong, since a lot of women don’t want to hear that. But I think it’s a cool thing to have that power over men.

I saw how the porn girls were treated on the feature circuit. The big names: Amber Lynn, Teri Weigel, Ginger Lynn, Sunset Thomas. There’s a lot of them that got treated really well when they came through the clubs. I always thought how cool that would be if I could do that. Then it came down to, can I actually do this? So my dance agent wanted me to meet John. But I was like, “No I can’t do it.”

Finally, they conned me into coming out to LA to meet John. I said, “Okay I’ll come out but I’m not going to do anything.” They said, let’s do the AIDS test just in case you change your mind. Of course at that point I ended up doing it.

EFG: What changed your mind?
ANGEL: I’m a very sporadic person. If I have a chance to rationalize it out, I’m going to make the morally correct choice. But if you get me off guard, all of a sudden I’m like, oh, okay. The first couple of movies were real rough. I kind of enjoyed them, but it was intimidating to me. Not all of it feels good. I had to learn to relax. The more uptight you get, the rougher it is. I learned. Now I love it. I like it, I love it, I want some more of it. Isn’t that how the country song goes?

EFG: What were you like in high school?
ANGEL: A lot like I am today. I was always in trouble. I was a cheerleader. I was a wild girl. I liked to party. And I was always the sexiest dresser. I pushed the limit on what I should be doing. I wore very tight clothes. I’ve always been sort of an exhibitionist.

I guess I’ve always had a slutty side. I like sex. And I’ve probably always been overly promiscuous. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I don’t practice unsafe sex. But when you live in a town where there’s 60 people in your graduating class, it gets known pretty quickly I pretty much always had a boyfriend, but I was rumored to be much worse than what I was. I was considered very wild and crazy, but to be honest with you I think it was because of the way I look: big boobs, blonde hair, good looking. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I had a bad reputation, people just loved to be in my business and talk about me.

EFG: What was a terrible rumor about you in high school?
ANGEL: That I did five guys in the bushes at a party’ I wish.

EFG: What was a terrible rumor about you that was true?
ANGEL: I screwed my biology teacher. He was only 24, just out of college. I tried to seduce another teacher that I had, too. I was very good ?^ heading my male teachers on. I was always the one out in the parking lot smoking dope then coming in and flirting with the teachers.

EFG: That’s your power thing.
ANGEL: You got it. I was unkind to my male teachers.

EFG: But it got you what you wanted.
ANGEL: Yes it did. A couple A’s.

EFG: What crazy things do you do these days?
ANGEL: I love to have sex in public places. I just screwed a friend of mine in the car, while he was driving — right on top of him, faced him, sat right down.

I’m more wild now that I’m in porn. I never used to have anal sex in my private life and now I do. I just like to freak guys out. I’ll say anything. You learn to talk dirty in these movies and do this and that, and I can really get going.

EFG: Tell me your wildest scene on a porn set.
ANGEL: To be honest with you, I loved working with Peter North. He followed me into the shower after we got done on the set. I love doing adult video.

EFG: What is your favorite book?
ANGEL: I just read a book called The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, which is the book that Saturn used as their training manual for their employees. Every week I try and read a book that I can learn from because I am very afraid of being in an industry where everything is based on my looks — that I won’t have to think. But I don’t want to be unintelligent. I don’t want to lose my grip on reality. People get tired very quickly if you can’t carry on an intelligent conversation.

EFG: What are your plans now?
ANGEL: I’m moving to LA. I’m looking for a place right now. I really am comfortable here. I feel that I’m in a very healthy environment. I meet people that go to work in the morning, that don’t take me out and get me all drunk and think it’s fun to get me so messed up that I get sick and I can’t function for the next 3 days. The people in my life right now are very productive people. I’m very content here. I don’t have to lie or hide what I do. People don’t stare at me or freak out on me. I think that I’m really starting to feel content for the first time in a long time.

EFG: How long are you going to do adult films?
ANGEL: As long as I can. I want to be a superstar. I want to be the biggest star that’s come into the adult industry. And I think I can be.