Directed by Ben Dover; starring Kelly, Emma, Christina, Lucy, Michelle, Holly Bush, Omar, Bob Scott, Pat Bateman, Pascal White, Nick Kersdown and Ben Dover. Videocassette: VGA Platinum.
An excited quiver affects Ben Dover’s narration when he comes in close proximity of a sexy chippie with a hot, sweet pussy. Dover’s nervous prattle with the beautiful video first-timers creates the illusion of tension; he successfully cultivates the possibility of rejection, making the cum-spewing conquest even more enjoyable to watch. Dover flatters naive nymph Lucy and introduces her to his well-hung mate Omar. Lucy appears nervous and inexperienced, unsure if she wants to continue. Omar licks her licorice-colored labes and slides his fat, black baton into her juicy quim. She queefs and hides her blushing face. A bell rings. Two of Dover’s chums unexpectedly arrive. They join the couple mid-coitus. Turgid cocks demand pleasure from all Lucy’s available orifices. Dover crams her soiled panties into Lucy’s spunk-drenched cunt. Crack Attack is addictive.